万事顺遂 “如意”是皆得所愿 见证你的成功,10年超长质保,覆盖中国90%以上车主用车周期,好马更应配好鞍。采用美国Argotec进口脂肪族TPU基材,使其具备优异的耐黄变性能,纳米涂层材料含20多种成分,具备抗污划痕热修复特性。
Witness your success, the 10-year long warranty covers more than 90% ofthe car owners in china. A good horse deserves a good saddle.it usesaliphatic TPU base material imported from Argotec ofthe United States, which has excellent yellowing resistance. The nano-coating materialcontains more than 20 ingredients and has anti-fouling, scratch and thermal repair properties.
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